Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Long Term Sobriety

For a guy like me that has been drinking since the age of 19, I have found that my sobriety is so much better than any buzz or being drunk.

It took me years to finally come to the terms that I was an alcoholic.  Through those years of heavy drinking, so many people, including my wife and family told me I did have an alcohol problem, but back then I was living my life in denial and thought each and everyone of them were nuts thinking I had a problem.

To be perfectly honest with you, I knew deep down inside me I truly needed help with my addiction to alcohol, but just didn't want to give in to my demons just then.

So in turn I continued to drink and destroy my health and family with each drink that was consumed.

Today, I am clean and sober, and have been since October 27, 2009.  Even though I loved to drink, and it was so hard to walk away from something that was a huge part of my life for so many years, I don't regret for a second my choice to live with long term sobriety.

My life is so much better and that goes for my health and my family life.  When we have an addiction of any sorts, and in my case alcoholism, we bring our families right down with us.  I never even realized what I was doing to my wife and children all those years I drank alcohol, but now being sober I feel just horrible and think of what I did way back when all the time.

They all forgave me and are thrilled I am now a different man being sober and enjoying life and having pure quality time with my family.

I do have to say, there has been many times I just wanted to have a drink when things were not going the way I would of liked in my life, but I stopped and thought, and said to myself, "if I take that one drink I will be right back to where I was years ago and my almost 6 years of sobriety would be in vein."

So, if you are living sober and something doesn't go right in your life, don't revert back to drinking because as you and I know drinking alcohol fixes nothing in our lives, it only makes matters worse.

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